On the other hand, a very informal sort of service is permitted, where the means for carrying out a more elaborate rite are not available.
The preparation of the oblation has become a still more elaborate rite.
The calligraphic marks were elaborate funerary rites for a dying world.
The uncertainty has produced anguish in a community known for attaching special importance to final goodbyes, with elaborate rites and elegant cemeteries.
Each of these expressions of the primal human need to create hierarchies comes equipped with its own elaborate rites of passage.
Earlier inscriptions that mention the rite suggest a less gory and elaborate sacrificial rite.
"They carefully picked the fathers in elaborate rites, and then stood for it in order to bear their heirs," he responded.
The games, mostly races, were part of elaborate funerary rites.
Individual bands had a specific home range with elaborate rites of entry required of visitors.
It is also performed in the houses as ancestor-worship with elaborate rites and rituals.