The song is an elaborate parody of horoscope pages, using the twelve astrological symbols.
Beginning this week, the channel presents an elaborate parody of Hollywood.
It portrays her as somewhat regretful of leaving country domesticity for London society, and includes an elaborate parody of a famous speech in Shakespeare's Othello.
The chuckles from the guards at the tables below grate on Creslin's nerves, but the minstrel continues with his elaborate parody of the frailties of man.
One group has even published an elaborate parody of the company's efforts at full disclosure.
Adult Swim aired a highly elaborate parody of an infomercial, Paid Programming, several times in November 2009.
Mr. Crystal has gone in for elaborate parodies.
The following are post-modern religions that may be seen as elaborate parodies of 'real' religions:
He is evidently completely sincere, but the project is so ideologically predictable and simple-mindedly worshipful you feel it all might be an elaborate parody (Johnson).
As their show progressed and ratings skyrocketed, French and Saunders received higher and higher budgets with which to create elaborate parodies of mainstream culture.