Establishing themselves in grand country houses, they set about creating the elaborate mythology of a classical Arcadia.
The Huichol Indians have a long history and an elaborate mythology surrounding their origin and the Solandra flower.
This is one for hardcore fantasy fans who enjoy lengthy epics and elaborate fictional mythologies.
The creators of shows like "Lost" - serialized dramas steeped in their own elaborate mythologies - face a dilemma.
By the 5th century CE, an elaborate mythology surrounded the Ganges, now a goddess in her own right, and a symbol for all rivers of India.
His drawings, often gathered together in the form of "masques," set forth an elaborate personal mythology of angels, medusas, watchtowers, condemned men and other allegorical figures.
As one of the indigitamenta, Rumina lacked the elaborate mythology and personality of later Roman deities, and was instead a more abstract, numinous entity.
The origin of the games was the subject of an elaborate mythology.
The novel blends historical fiction, modern journalism, and the elaborate mythology of the peoples in question, which include Norse, Mi'kmaq, and Inuit.
Bad schemes had elaborate mythologies, tales of rapes and crucifixions, of vicious gangs and gangster families and neighbors dead for months behind the door.