A general trend is that the most elaborate monuments belong to individuals formerly residing at the most exclusive addresses.
Darcy died in 1641 and was buried with his wife at Isleworth, where an elaborate monument was erected.
He is buried in Sandon Church, beneath an elaborate monument representing his own recumbent form.
Nowhere else did a king build such an elaborate holy monument and tomb so high up on a mountain.
An elaborate monument stood above his grave, erected by Austin himself from his own designs to the memory of his first wife.
He said the head probably came from an elaborate Attic funerary monument.
Finally, LuAnn's mother's gravesite was now marked with a far more elaborate monument.
The entire western side of the chancel arch inside the church forms an elaborate monument to Sir Redvers.
In 1737, the Church finally allowed Galileo to be reburied in a grave with an elaborate monument.
Both men named Louis are commemorated by elaborate Baroque monuments.