People would tell us they needed gardens planted or trees taken out or more elaborate landscaping done.
The entire area has received elaborate new landscaping and new signs for local businesses.
There are also the elaborate landscaping and design possibilities.
Nor is there any elaborate landscaping or any sign out front, only a discreet street number, 6575.
These days, however, pool buyers are after subtler charms - free-form, lagoon-style pools integrated into elaborate landscaping, a seamless union of nature and plumbing.
And there, in the middle of all the elaborate landscaping, was the house itself, and the house seemed to have nothing in common with its own grounds.
Mr. Mazzarelli is proud of his elaborate landscaping.
The cemeteries, usually on the edge of town, had winding paths, ponds and other elaborate landscaping, Mr. Nonestied said.
All the rest-the hulking buildings, the elaborate landscaping, the canopied public entrance on the south side, the central courtyard-was pointless for now.
The houses on Ironwood and those facing the church property across Kenilworth Road are substantial, single-family homes, many with tennis courts and elaborate landscaping.