Some drag queens exaggerate in the dimension of elegance and fashion, employing elaborate jewelry and gowns.
No one, including the center's 44 women, is allowed to wear elaborate jewelry.
More recently, hip hop fashion has played up elaborate jewelry and luxurious materials worn in conjunction with athletic gear and the clothing of manual labor.
It featured an alternate bow, double shoulder-guards, plate-armor, elaborate jewelry, and a gold-rimmed mask.
With the 19th century emphasis on elaborate jewelry increased and there were Sarpech big enough to cover half the turban.
What Puabi took was remarkable, ranging from elaborate jewelry to most of her servants.
Scythians had a taste for elaborate personal jewelry, weapon-ornaments and horse-trappings.
In portraits, women performed these traits through idealized features, fancy dresses, and elaborate jewelry.
It was easy enough to conceal such a device in a piece of elaborate jewelry; such things were constructed for favored slaves all the time.
Although not as interesting or elaborate as later Etruscan jewelry, there are a few dazzlers here.