Festivities included elaborate fireworks displays in the skies above major American cities.
There is usually a mass and a procession around town with elaborate fireworks.
Because of the elaborate fireworks, it is highly unlikely the flame travelled to all the charges directly.
"It was the most elaborate fireworks I've ever seen," said Bill Slone, who was standing outside the golf cart business he runs.
There were almost 15,000 people here, waiting for him and for an elaborate fireworks display.
The evening begins in Court Square with a patriotic concert by the Springfield Symphony Orchestra and concludes with an elaborate fireworks display from the Memorial Bridge.
In the darkness of the desert night, the new Mirage casino offered an elaborate fireworks display Thursday night as a prelude to its main event.
The Italian school of pyrotechnics emphasized elaborate fireworks, the German school stressed scientific advancement.
Only the Rodriguez ball went foul, produced no elaborate fireworks display and his team lost.
An elaborate fireworks display preceded the main event, and it provided most of what flash there was for the evening.