Originally conceived as purely defensive (martial) structures, or as retirement bunkers where a lord could safely ride out periods of violence in his lands, over the course of the Sengoku period, many of these mountain castles developed into permanent residences, with elaborate exteriors and lavish interiors.
Additional church domes and elaborate exterior and interior ornamentation were added.
It has 213 guest rooms, including 25 suites, in a modern style with clean lines, contrasting with the building's elaborate, classical exterior.
Tucked away in the backstreets near Piazza Navona, this small 15th-century church boasts an elaborate porticoed exterior and a minor Raphael fresco Sibille (Sibyls).
Built between 1220 and 1258, the cathedral bears all the hallmarks of the early English Gothic style, with an elaborate exterior decorated with pointed arches and flying buttresses, and a sombre, austere interior designed to keep its congregation suitably pious.
Its elaborate exterior provides the often bleak streets of Bushwick with a Mediterranean, welcoming presence.
OTHER complaints were that basic items like sidewalks and fencing had been intentionally left out of the specifications to allow more money for the building's elaborate exterior and that the drill hall had been cut to one-half its proper size.
In contrast to the elaborate exteriors, the interiors of the rock-cut structures are severe and plain.
The rather severe interior of the cathedral contrasts with its elaborate exterior, but the impact of the double-storied nave is lightened by the tall arches of the choir.
The elaborate exterior and opulent, richly decorated interior were restored to their former glory in 1998-2002.