In the midst of the fine court with its merriment and elaborate entertainment, I stood, a silent servant, witness only to their pleasures.
Instead of the balletto being a spontaneous dance among the courtiers, as it had been up until 1579, it became an elaborate and well-rehearsed entertainment.
He tutored two of her sons and displayed a talent for arranging elaborate entertainments for the court.
The recitation of the epic and its accompanying music provides for elaborate and sophisticated entertainment.
Everything felt ill-planned somehow, like an elaborate entertainment that was falling flat.
The hospitality reminded people of the elaborate entertainments that accompany the showings in Milan.
The half-time fest ivies were shared by the schools and it usually was an elaborate entertainment for capacity crowds.
A dwindling leisure class with its battalions of servants probably eroded most elaborate entertainment.
In addition, he was probably obliged to house and feed as many as 150 courtiers and put on wildly elaborate entertainments.
Court musicians and dancers collaborated to provide elaborate entertainment for them.