Other costumes, by Xavier Hool, who also designed the set, seemed to be elaborate, wonderfully scrunchy-sounding concoctions of clear plastic tape, with colored lights shining through.
The brioche is somewhat in the mode of the elaborate concoctions that attracted attention in the recent couture shows in Paris, with a couple of differences.
And then they gave these crazily elaborate concoctions to the citizens of Milwaukee.
They range from the simple grilled American cheese classic to such elaborate concoctions as bresaola, asparagus and pecorino.
Desserts, $1.50 (cookies) to $15 (elaborate concoctions suitable for sharing).
For more glamour and less gore, there are Scarlet and Mystery masks, elaborate concoctions of feathers, flowers and ribbons in red or black for $70 to $87.50.
To determine whether the tale is true or, as the defense suggests, an elaborate concoction by a woman who consented to the sexual activity, a jury has been hearing testimony for nearly a month.
Nigel found Nikka and Carlotta cooking an elaborate concoction at the apartment.
In the last year or so, growth in soda sales has slowed to a trickle, as consumers have developed an affection for a host of new drinks, from elaborate herbal concoctions to plain bottled water.