Evidence exists to prove that 'Vathek' was a careful and elaborate composition.
It is a very elaborate composition made up of 394 back-to-back folios, and written in Parnis' charming calligraphy.
The problems were exercises intended to limber up their minds and fingers for the performance of more elaborate artistic compositions.
This reading appears now obvious thanks to the elaborate composition from Sârbi Susani.
Lorraine Platt's paintings often feature elaborate compositions of still life's, others are more simple but they are also strong in their simplicity and mood.
They are very elaborate compositions which may be well compared with major symphonies in the Western system.
From floor to ceiling the walls were covered with a strange and elaborate composition.
This sort of elaborate composition can also be seen at the east end of Milan Cathedral.
The court includes elaborate compositions of rocks.
Poussin, he says, tended to conceive entire elaborate compositions in his mind, then draw them, rather than work them out on paper.