But many parents and educators object to the eighth-grade tests in particular.
Other problems have surfaced involving some of the state's fourth- and eighth-grade tests.
Scores on state fourth- and eighth-grade tests are also used in promotion decisions.
The fourth- and eighth-grade tests, state officials say, are designed to insure that children will be ready for the Regents.
Low scores on the eighth-grade test, he said, are strong predictors of poor performance and dropouts in high school.
The eighth-grade test requires students to write about and explain what they have read in a far more sophisticated way.
None required students to pass an eighth-grade test before going to high school.
He said there were no plans to cancel the eighth-grade test to be given in March.
They cannot make any such claim because no 11th grader ever took the eighth-grade test.
But state education officials concede that the math portion of the 10th-grade exam is probably an eighth-grade test.