The house was built by John Wise, a prominent entrepreneur in the early town, who constructed the building in the late eighteenth-century Georgian architectural style.
They often appeared in extravagant outfits that combined Spanish matador pants with frilly jackets done in eighteenth-century style.
She was also luxuriously furnished in eighteenth-century French style, and her accommodation included 6 guest staterooms.
He enjoyed the opulence of the eighteenth-century French style with its emphasis on the decorative.
Violins may double a significant melody, or play rapid semiquaver counter-melodies in fine eighteenth-century style, to add brilliance and excitement to a piece.
Rococo - eighteenth-century European style, originating in France.
The dining room was furnished in eighteenth-century style.
In 1951 the Barnabòs undertook a substantial restoration, returning the palace to a grand and serene eighteenth-century style.
The resolution is written in a mock eighteenth-century style, ornate and pompous.
That's how we first became friends, by both being fond of the eighteenth-century style; balance and antithesis and all that.