Their animosity, however, won out as infighting cost them an eight-man tag team match with Team Canada at Sacrifice on August 14.
There was one high mark in that feud, when Kevin passed out from concussion complications during an eight-man tag team match.
Following their debuts, Gekido remained undefeated inside Chikara ring, before Jigsaw submitted combatAnt in an eight-man tag team match on April 28.
After leaving UWA, they joined Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre for a few months, wrestling mostly in six or eight-man tag team matches.
Family Feud host Ray Combs was a special guest ring announcer for the eight-man tag match.
In 2007, Kingston turned rudo (villainous) when he was pinned in an eight-man tag team match.
On May 30, Jannetty accepted Icarus' request, remembering how Icarus had shown him respect following an eight-man tag team match on April 6.
Their first pay-per-view appearance was at the King of the Ring 1993 in an eight-man tag team match.
This would lead to an eight-man tag team match between the team of APA and Dudley Boyz against Right to Censor at Unforgiven.