According to Van Vliet all of the songs on the album were written in a single eight-hour session.
Kasten, the final witness of the eight-hour session, testified about the impact of Rocker's remarks on the Braves, particularly what he said was the economic impact.
The course, which runs for two eight-hour sessions, teaches officers to speak with citizens without causing or escalating conflict and to deal with issues, not attitudes.
According to rumor, it had taken six eight-hour sessions.
After an eight-hour session Thursday, the two sides met for just one hour yesterday.
An eight-hour session is planned for today at the United States Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn.
Together, they recorded all sixteen songs in two eight-hour sessions.
The outbursts punctuated an extraordinary eight-hour session in which Mr. Hussein faced families of victims of his government's killings in court for the first time.
Held in one building with 16 stages and more than 1,200 musicians, its three eight-hour sessions are packed with choices and temptations.
After three eight-hour sessions with the teachers, it was decided the first year would be best devoted entirely to instruction and practice with team competitions put off until next fall.