But shaving off his beard has blurred his ego boundaries, or something.
Psychological effects include severe changes in body image, loss of ego boundaries, paranoia and depersonalization.
The two-year-old who throws tantrums, coaxes, wheedles, and manipulates any situation to get his way is testing his ego boundaries.
"We can tease out specific brain regions responsible for hallucinations and ego boundaries," he said in a telephone interview.
Musicologist Susan McClary wrote that "Madonna's art itself repeatedly deconstructs the traditional notion of the unified subject with finite ego boundaries.
Also sometimes reported is a loss of ego boundary; for example, the boundary between the self and a table may not be easy to distinguish.
"Individuals with weak ego boundaries are more prone to use introjection as a defense mechanism."
In Duerr's view, shamans learn to evaporate their "ego boundaries", thereby experiencing themselves in a different way; it is this feeling that can be described as shamanic flying.
The insulation barrier is a psychic structure that supports and protects ego boundaries.
The individual with a healthy insulation barrier generally enjoys feelings of ease and wholeness within ego boundaries that are flexible and adaptive.