The egg membrane is shed in 24-26 days, but the hatchlings (the first instar) continue to mature in the cocoon.
However, they cannot pass through the scrambled egg membrane, as it is impossible to move from a region of faster time to one of slower time.
Gabriel leads them to the bridge, where the door is blocked by another scrambled egg membrane.
Meanwhile, the pirate ship has unfrozen and the scrambled egg membrane has disappeared.
The species is viviparous, giving birth to young that grow within the body of the mother, enclosed within the egg membrane.
Once inside the fly, the L1 larvae "hatch" from the egg membrane and penetrate the gut wall.
They penetrate egg membranes and interfere with the metabolic processes.
Other frogs avoid the need to provide water for their tadpoles by producing young that complete the whole of their development within the egg membrane.