The eggs incubate for 2-3 months and the hatchlings will usually stay with the nest through winter.
The eggs incubate for around 8 (6 to 10) weeks before hatching.
After breeding, the female egg can lay about 4 to 6 eggs and incubates them along with the male for 14 days.
The eggs incubate for about 60 days before hatching.
The eggs incubate for 31 to 51 days, during which time the female tends the nest.
The eggs incubate a few inches deep in the sand above the level of subsequent waves.
The eggs incubate on the stream bottoms for two or three weeks and the larval stage is 40 to 50 days long.
In the safety of the bubble nest the eggs will incubate for about two to three days before finally hatching.
The eggs incubate for around 8 weeks before hatching.
Their eggs adhere to crevices in the rocks, and incubate for 40-45 days.