Whether it is hatchlings or eggs that overwinter, young first appear in the spring following the year of egg deposition.
The site of egg deposition varies; L. curvispina places its eggs over flat rocks in rapids.
It is a response to ecological demands of egg deposition.
A courtship is successful if the female leads the male to a sometimes preselected site, such as a large gravel bed, for egg deposition.
One week after egg deposition the larvae hatch, and start to feed inside a nut.
The chain catshark prefers vertical structures for egg deposition and always deposits eggs in pairs.
It breeds by direct development, but the site of egg deposition is not known.
They emerge as adults about 10 to 20 days after egg deposition, depending on temperature.
Once a male has caught the attention of a female, he leads her to a site he has selected for egg deposition.
The mating behavior and egg deposition are still not described, but it is thought that the eggs are not laid inside the oil.