The journey continued, in its effortless and silent way, flowing with the current.
His effortless way with a tune is one reason he has avoided making singing a career.
This is really cool-it's a very effortless way to control the size of an object.
Why we love it: You get just about half of your veggie servings for the day in a tasty, effortless way.
She is described to have an effortless way about her.
"They can be an effortless way to control calories," Ganzer says.
He moved in that effortless way great athletes do.
Not the least of the show's merit is the effortless way in which it blends the established with the aspiring.
No one could deny Craig's charisma, and the effortless way he has inhabited the role.
He did not seem to know that he was making these extraordinary changes; they dropped from his lips in a quite natural and effortless way.