With a sudden effortless movement he swept her down, pinioning her to the bed beside him.
They had swept easily, naturally into each other's arms, their movements sure and effortless, like those of longtime dance partners.
With a simple and effortless movement, the large man swept her into his arms.
He swung up into the high saddleseven feet above the ground with a single effortless movement.
The only effortless movement is left and right turn in every such loop.
Flat-coats should be well angulated front and rear, allowing for open, effortless movement.
He took out a large photograph and placed it on her knee, taking her cup from her with the same effortless movement.
The stranger stepped forward then, a smooth, effortless movement.
He had star quality, good looks and an effortless movement which was captivating.
The man's hand was making tiny, effortless movements.