Lending voice to all his songs helps him to get into his character with effortless ease.
He was working with an effortless ease and with breath left to talk.
He turned and glanced at the big man who walked behind him with an effortless ease that he could never have hoped to match.
These beams were so powerful that they performed the carving-with effortless ease.
His hand pushed at the creature that had turned them over with such effortless ease, and he felt the roughness of scales.
But then, the Lizards shot down Pe- with effortless ease.
Through long practice, Don could read their message with effortless ease.
With effortless ease, he jerked himself to the ceiling of the cage.
He lit this last cigarette as he had the other, with the same effortless ease.
How was it then that all these ordinary people seemed to manage it with effortless ease?