Some can absorb energy effectively, whereas others transmit vibration efficiently.
This array also used multiplexing to efficiently transmit signals recorded in vivo via a wire to an external computer.
The new viruses did not transmit efficiently among the animals, and also did not cause as severe an illness as the original A(H5N1).
Belts may be used as a source of motion, to transmit power efficiently, or to track relative movement.
In order to cause a pandemic, H5N1 viruses will have to acquire the ability to transmit efficiently from person to person.
Little is known about how efficiently the tick transmits the bacterium to humans and how reliably the bacterium will produce the illness.
The earth then absorbed visible light and emitted infrared radiation in response, but the atmosphere did not transmit infrared efficiently, which therefore increased surface temperatures.
His style is workmanlike, efficiently transmitting ideas but no more.
Communications engineers, for example, devising strategies for efficiently transmitting the greatest possible information in a given "bandwidth," find that they are engaged in sphere packing.
BBN introduced the concept of dead reckoning to efficiently transmit the state of battle field entities.