France collected taxes efficiently, but otherwise brought few changes to the Cambodian village economy.
To collect efficiently from your debtor you should have full information on who they legally are - especially if you ever need to take them to court.
The second purpose is to efficiently collect the paint solids that were sprayed into the system and remove them from the water for disposal.
Only in the last four years has the federation been able to efficiently collect and distribute information about doctors who have been disciplined.
Digital evidence investigative tools are needed to efficiently and effectively collect digital evidence from crime scenes.
These technologies are thought to efficiently collect and analyse data in order to find or test knowledge in the form of statistical patterns between data.
For any grease trap to collect grease efficiently, it needs sufficient volume to handle the amount of wastewater leaving the premises.
Thrifty genes are genes which enable individuals to efficiently collect and process food to deposit fat during periods of food abundance.
MRM uses agent-less methods to efficiently collect data from the candidate servers and compares it to one or more target platforms for migration.
The centuries of effort are traced to ancient Egypt, whose rulers needed to fix boundaries of farms so they could collect taxes efficiently.