This allows for more efficient storage of many different versions of files.
The new "high cube" Orix building will have 32 feet of clear height below the roof trusses for more efficient storage.
One of the possible reasons is to reduce the Nyquist rate for more efficient storage.
And if we are ever going to increase our reliance on renewable sources, like wind and solar, more efficient storage is critical.
It also meant that one carriage could slide beneath the next, allowing for more efficient storage and transportation.
The probes created more efficient storage and transfer capabilities.
However a study showed that even with very optimistic assumptions, air storage of energy is less efficient than chemical (battery) storage.
Our minds are designed to retain, for efficient storage, past information that fits into a compressed narrative.
Some researchers believe that the prefrontal cortex helps organize information for more efficient storage, drawing upon its role in executive function.
The software is designed to reduce the burden on staff through intelligent document recognition and efficient storage.