I believe that we must reward individuals and businesses that undertake sustainable and energy efficient practices.
Some experts say that moving to very efficient practices would help the environment and also help the poor.
In theory, at least, the sale of individual policies to people already in group plans should be an efficient practice.
As a result, Dr. Millman said, most users reach a point where they begin the more efficient practice of injecting the drug.
This step will require zoning and the adoption of more efficient agricultural practices, especially in developing countries.
He said the market contained many barriers to the adoption of more efficient practices and technologies.
Only this would give the Member States knowledge of the best and most efficient practices in this difficult sector.
Thirdly, fiscal differences are specified that will lead to more efficient practices.
Disruptive technology tears down inefficient practices and creates new, more efficient practices.
It should enforce fair, ethical and efficient practices in the securities industry.