Water demonstrates natural flexibility as it changes to conform with the boundaries which contain it, seeking the most efficient and productive path.
The missile's autopilot is programmed to fly the most efficient path to the target and can receive course corrections from the ground.
Stipends for officers who speak a foreign language, or cultural diversity training, might be more efficient paths to improving community relations, they suggested.
"Work in a way that gets results and finishes well," which means finding the most efficient path to success.
It was ... well, just an obvious choice; the most efficient path to success.
The general approach is to use procedures or a sequence of techniques that have been shown to provide a more efficient path to attaining the same goal.
The system is supposed to act like a traffic cop, finding the most efficient path for transmitting a call at a given moment.
Instead of traveling from switch to switch, the data travels across the Internet, usually following the most efficient path.
A more efficient path, she said, would be to find alternatives to imprisonment that involve productive employment.