The efficiencies gained can also result in benefits to the private sector.
Upgrades to existing operating infrastructures should be demonstrated as efficiency gained compared to baseline practices.
The efficiency gains that RBS wrought in the first few months of Project Columbus reflect how much fat it was carrying.
They ignore the efficiency gains that flow from providing the services which the taxation makes possible (see Chapters 2 and 3).
Retail efficiency gained; urbanism diminished.
All of these are necessary income earners for a local authority,so the efficiency gained through an automated, computerized system is essential.
Susan explains how she complied with the Act - and the efficiency gains that compliance has produced.
The efficiencies gained through these more modern automated processes relegated carbon printing to the commercial backwaters in the latter half of the 20th century.
The Commission, as you have already heard, remains wholly committed to the principles, the values and the efficiency gains that the Constitutional Treaty would bring.
His efficiency in handling the situation and his disaster recovery and relief measures gained considerable appreciation.