This effectively undid the 1978 merger between the North Stars and the Cleveland Barons, previously the California Golden Seals, the Bay Area NHL team.
Resistance came from Scotland in the form of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce and a three hundred year period of regular raids and counter-raids followed which effectively undid the years of economic progress since the Harrying of the North two centuries earlier.
While this effectively undid much of the work done by the Metrication Board by deregulating prescribed sizing for over 40 products, the law relating to labelling of products has remained unchanged.
Assemblyman Mark Leno, a Democrat, described the governor's remarks on the "Tonight Show" as "heartening news" for a bill in the State Legislature that would effectively undo Proposition 22.
Unfortunately it also saw several mechanical failures, which effectively undid the hard work to develop the motorcycle.
But other provisions effectively undid that prohibition and, in doing so, opened the door wide for companies to gain an advantage and offer the hybrid securities.
The will has greatly puzzled historians, who have read it as a bizarre gesture of extreme piety uncharacteristic of Alfonso's character, one that effectively undid his life's work.
It would effectively undo the rules of competition under which the current rail system was set up, said Mario Mohar, chief executive of TFM, and "one can't change the rules in the middle of the game."
Repeal of the gift and estate tax laws would also effectively undo state laws that protect against a wealthy person's leaving nothing to a spouse at death, these experts say.