The department's previous annual report on human rights found that all dissent against the Government had been "effectively silenced."
It also provided a frequency for the independent radio station B2-92, which was effectively silenced.
But when a country is growing at 8 percent a year, the opposition to reform is effectively silenced.
But it has now been effectively silenced, because anyone selling it is arrested.
Then the Earl had effectively silenced the one man who could implicate him, all the while making it look as if he were saving her.
He was effectively silenced by the United States government.
Laurent's free hand came across her mouth, effectively silencing her.
Lucas swung around at the door and put his hand across her mouth, effectively silencing her.
The man cried out but Carson slammed a fist into the man's throat, effectively silencing him.
He squeezed, blocking the flow of blood so that Worfs voice was effectively silenced.