The cap of 20 gates would effectively restrict the purpose of the 2014 lifting of the ban on nonstop flights outside the Wright zone.
However, current copyright law effectively restricts the use of this to very wealthy individuals and corporations for two reasons: (1) the vagueness of "fair use".
In these cases, the payload is simply an application designed to effectively restrict interaction with the system, typically by overriding explorer.
The EU had already had other measures that effectively restricted the import of North American beef.
These shortages will effectively restrict their ability to meet the demand for their products or services.
The bridges effectively restricted the station to two lines, and prevented the platforms from being extended.
This would effectively restrict the star from shining at higher luminosities for longer periods.
Four-point restraints are straps that bind each of the patient's limbs to a stretcher or gurney, effectively restricting movement.
The Firearms Acts 1936/7 placed additional controls on fully automatic firearms, effectively restricting them to the armed forces and police.
This also effectively restricts the privileges of any add-ons.