More will train if the area is prone to periodic disasters, or the government effectively recruits public-service groups and schools.
Mrs. Clinton has, over the last few months, repeatedly visited Mr. Moynihan's home in Washington to discuss the potential race, effectively recruiting him as her most prominent supporter.
For example, individual cells could adapt to become more sensitive to important features, effectively recruiting more cells for a particular purpose, making some cells more specifically tuned for the task at hand.
"To effectively and efficiently recruit, train and absorb the additional staff into the civil aviation security work force, the additional staffing is being phased in over several years," the document said.
He believes he can recruit nationally and effectively in competition with "the Boston Colleges and the Syracuses."
However Farnsworth and Witham failed in effectively recruiting new women members.
Tech may have had the will, but apparently lacked the wherewithal to recruit effectively in what the N.C.A.A. called the "excessively competitive environment" of Texas football.
At this statewide training event, we joined a panel that addressed how legal services programs and equal justice communities can effectively recruit and retain a diverse work force, among other critical diversity activities.
Nor is there any reference to the imams of France, Belgium, the Netherlands or Denmark, who are effectively recruiting agents for Jihad-minded Islamic youth.
Multiple studies have found individualized interventions tailored on the 14 TTM variables for smoking cessation to effectively recruit and retain pre-Action participants and produce long-term abstinence rates within the range of 22% - 26%.