The step of sending a wave through the channel effectively measures it, and the retransmission step uses this data to focus the wave.
This makes it more difficult to devise legitimate tests that can effectively measure student achievement.
To help us do this in a structured way that we can effectively measure we have developed a quarterly Customer Satisfaction Survey.
Added to all this, the existing quality control contamination test didn't effectively measure the true contamination level.
In response to concerns that the test didn't effectively measure student proficiency, especially in writing, the board scrambled to add a writing section.
The problem is how on earth do you effectively measure it.
Fuel management systems are designed to effectively measure and manage the use of fuel within the transportation and construction industries.
Twenty years later the Traffic Audit Bureau was created to effectively measure outdoor media.
Thus, it effectively measured only the changes in the interplanetary field.
We must therefore try to improve the synergies between these policies, using methods for effectively measuring their territorial impact.