On February 26, 1999, thousands of peaceful Lebanese protesters cut through the recently erected barbed wire, effectively freeing the village.
This effectively freed the way for Siemens to build the new Eurostar trains, the first of which is expected to enter service in late 2014.
Instead, the jury convicted him of manslaughter, which carries a maximum sentence of 21 years, effectively freeing him.
Storm fights and defeats Callisto for the right to be the leader of the Morlocks, effectively freeing Angel in the process.
On August 19, 2011, they entered Alford pleas, which allow them to assert their innocence and were sentenced to time served, effectively freeing them.
I.B.M. streamlined its top management, effectively freeing its fast-growing personal computer, work station and minicomputer businesses to compete more aggressively.
Syrian rebels capture military base in Al-Bab, near to Aleppo, effectively freeing the city, after withdrawal of government forces.
He effectively freed poetry from the bounds of elitism.
Yesterday's deal effectively freed Philip Morris, which is based in New York, from a laggard among its more successful businesses.
Initially, the Emancipation Proclamation effectively freed only a small percentage of the slaves, those who were behind Union lines in areas not exempted.