On the other hand, the United States was a major destination where anti-Kuomintang figures such as Peng Ming-min and Shih Ming-teh were effectively exiled.
He was effectively exiled to Portugal while Grace elected to remain in France to monitor the welfare of her various properties at the mercy of the invaders.
After his niece Elizabeth fell from grace, Vorontsov was effectively exiled from the court and sold his main residence to the crown.
In 10,196 Shaddam is effectively exiled to his ancestral planet of Salusa Secundus, now a wasteland, prison planet, and training ground for the Sardaukar.
Murong Chui was effectively exiled to be the governor of remote Ping Province (平州, modern eastern Liaoning).
Lhendup fled to Nepal in 1965 due to political pressure, and was effectively exiled by the National Assembly.
In 1880 and 1882 Benedictine teaching monks were effectively exiled.
Thus in 1880 and 1882, Benedictine teaching monks were effectively exiled; this was not completed until 1901.
Rifaat, the nominal Vice-President (Security), was effectively exiled by his brother in 1984 after making a bid for power.
Armah was effectively exiled from Ghana, while his family was targeted by military forces and placed under house arrest.