We felt that there can be no question of fairness when the law effectively endorses unilateral decision.
President Bush effectively endorsed that view when he refused to meet the P.L.O. chairman last weekend.
If he made a recommendation, it was effectively endorsing the strategy.
This idiot shouldn't be effectively endorsing the fekkin tories.
The investors "effectively endorsed us as being the standard for doing electronic commerce over the Internet," he said.
Despite his own campaign, Amondson effectively endorsed McCain, and stated that he would probably vote for him.
That this article effectively endorses it warts and all suggests a distinct lack of research and creative thinking by the author.
Others wind up effectively endorsing class divisions.
It effectively endorses the EU's fisheries policy, which has led to the exhaustion fish stocks in the waters off the coast of Africa.
Although some sympathy is extended to the Welsh the playwright effectively endorses the aim of uniting Britain by force.