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Prices for staple household purchases like gasoline and food rose to even higher levels last month, effectively causing most Americans to take a pay cut.
This tax effectively caused the demise of both the fashion for wigs and powder.
Through this monergistic activity, God is able to effectively cause people to come to faith.
In 2009, Hamilton failed a doping test again, and was banned for eight years, which effectively caused him to retire.
The end result of the neutral air caught in the process is to effectively cause an exchange in momentum and thus generate thrust.
The video teaches viewers weak points on an attacker's body and how to effectively cause enough pain to those points to escape.
Khmelnytsky effectively caused the Cossack force to change sides.
Every now and then, a highly anticipated new product bursts onto the scene, effectively causing a sensation among consumers.
The operations of insider traders effectively cause losses to market-makers with whom they deal.
Just like the Earth, its these high's and low's which effectively cause air to move and produce wind.