According to some estimates, as many as two million Japanese are effectively bankrupt, but have not or cannot file the paperwork required.
As a result of Pedro's murder, the money the prince put into the war effort became pointless, and Edward was effectively bankrupt.
By May, it was effectively bankrupt, with about $17.6 million in debts.
Although the company was effectively bankrupt at this point, work on the BD-5D continued for some time.
The bulk of its budget comes from the Tokyo metropolitan government, which is effectively bankrupt.
He lost the suit and had to pay 500,000 pounds which caused the bank to be effectively bankrupt.
Work started in 1795, but the scheme was effectively bankrupt by 1797, and construction of the locks was never completed.
They have extended a further 8.4 trillion yen, or $66 billion, to local governments, most of which are effectively bankrupt.
The company is effectively bankrupt, kept alive by the Government so it can continue to make payments to the victims.
There is also the fact that the Fed is effectively bankrupt.