He urged the justices to avoid the conclusion "that the statute effectively accomplishes nothing."
These changes, the Communists believe, cannot be effectively accomplished solely on the basis of profit considerations:
If even some of our members don't know what we stand for, then we haven't got a prayer of effectively accomplishing our mission.
How can referrals be effectively accomplished?
Designer's Quest- Participants pit their creativity against each other to build a robot that is aesthetically designed to effectively accomplish the given objective.
Reserve Design is the process of planning and creating a nature reserve in a way that effectively accomplishes the goal of the reserve.
If that can be effectively accomplished, the criminal justice system will save a great deal of money spent on investigating, apprehending, prosecuting and incarcerating repeat offenders.
To effectively accomplish the purpose and philosophy of Morris College, its academic programs are organized into six academic divisions which oversee their respective departments.
Quantification of the amplitude and frequency can be effectively accomplished with any signal monitor EEG.
The entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon which, I hope, will be accomplished effectively, will also create new institutions.