They found that the most effective stimuli were oriented lines of various kinds.
An effective stimulus must lead to new spending promptly.
Only 3 percent went to aid for state governments - widely believed to be one of the most effective economic stimuli available.
The $117 billion in fiscal 2003 gives birth to only $40 billion in effective stimulus.
Currently, the most effective stimuli for the best results have not yet been identified or agreed upon by researchers.
One must function as an effective stimulus of the other.
Collaborative problem solving has previously been shown to be an effective stimulus to individual learning in certain circumstances, using somewhat 'artificial' tasks.
They work in Detroit, and they have provided a vivid example of just how effective an economic stimulus can be.
The smells of night and of damp earth served as effective stimuli for memory, or should have done.
A more effective but costly stimulus came from tax policies, and from tenant subsidies linked to new construction.