However, according to the UFCW, this would have "resulted in the effective elimination of healthcare retirement benefits for workers" [1].
Sometimes, changing from an intermittent dose of oral diuretic to an intravenous diuretic can lead to more effective elimination of excess fluid.
In this sense, these elements define a system, which aims at the effective elimination of the domination of human being over human being.
His strategy promised a slow but effective elimination of the scattered foemen.
Along with this effective elimination of informers, the prisoners began fashioning relatively high quality shivs, which were previously the exclusive territory of thieves.
Although the war went on for another seven months, the decisive defeat suffered by the Prussian army resulted in Prussia's effective elimination from the anti-French coalition up until the liberation war of 1813.
The plutocrats in addition had witnessed by the early 1880s the effective elimination of Monarchist influence in the upper reaches of the French government.
Reforms in education led to the effective elimination of the grammar school.
I hope the motion for a resolution will contribute to the effective elimination of the effects of the tragedy.
That enhanced international cooperation and/or assistance among ratifying countries for the prohibition and effective elimination of the worst forms of child labour should complement national efforts (Article III(16)).