When this assumption is not met, the effective bandwidth needs to be notated alongside the measurement.
Experimental variations such as the slit width (effective bandwidth) of the spectrophotometer will also alter the spectrum.
The mean frequency can be expressed by the central wavelength, and the effective bandwidth by means of the coherence length, .
For example, delivering a 1TB disk once per day has an effective bandwidth of 100Mbit/s.
A more sophisticated admission strategy is based on effective bandwidths (Kelly, 1996).
The effective bandwidth depends on the variability of the source.
If it is not, the protocol will limit the effective bandwidth of the link.
Our effective bandwidth is down to twenty bits per second, and dropping.
Furthermore, the response width (effective bandwidth) of detected signal depends on the amplitude of the modulation.
That process has about 5GB/s of effective bandwidth on a fast Power Mac G5.