He is most notable for his in-depth investigations into bogus academics and fraud, which led to the effective abolition of the University of Wales, formerly Britain's second-largest university.
The abolition of the tax, effective July 31, will cost the Treasury $5 billion annually in lost revenues in the next few years.
Collectivization signified the "effective abolition of private property in land, and the concentration of the remaining peasantry in 'collective' farming under Party control."
It requires ratifying states to pursue a national policy designed to ensure the effective abolition of child labour and to raise progressively the minimum age for admission to employment or work.
The effective abolition of the Politburo had perversely eliminated the apprenticeship period during which an up-and-coming Soviet political figure might learn the international version of statecraft.
The formal abolition of slavery in 1981 has not led to real and effective abolition for various reasons, including a lack of legislation to ensure its implementation.
In some ways, the effective abolition of the presidency complicates an already muddy picture at what seems to be a crucial time in North Korean history.
With the effective abolition of the principle of 'universal service', public access to high-quality, inexpensive postal services will be limited.
In this context, I wholeheartedly welcome the resolution for the establishment of a World day against the death penalty in the hope that this may constitute a further step toward its effective abolition throughout the world.
The abolition of the concession, effective from 6 April 2013, was confirmed in December 2011, with the government maintaining its view that the relief was redundant given that it is worth only 15p per day.