Population-based registries can also monitor the effects of preventive measures.
And by September, the effect of economic measures enacted by the Japanese Government earlier this year should be apparent, he added.
Lawson, in his own defence, attributes the boom largely to the effects of various measures of financial deregulation.
Simulations of systemic networks can help to decide the long-term effects of singular measures.
The effect of such measures, not just in those countries but throughout Africa, would be dramatic.
That is the reason for my question: Which methods could you envisage in future to protect enterprises from the adverse effects of such measures?
It is, however, the social effects of such measures that give me cause for concern.
Matters will also be made easier for some Member States by the calculation taking into account the continuing effects of saving measures taken earlier.
We must avoid the adverse effects of measures that are too generous and risk bringing about discrimination in employment.
The aim must be to clarify the effects of individual measures and to allow us to rethink priorities and working methods where relevant.