But the combined effect of this consumption for their private good, has damaged the public interest.
While this may appear an equitable rate adjustment, it is a backward step, whose side effects will severely damage development of scientific computer telecommunications.
The other reservation concerns the long-term effects of adoption, which it is thought may damage personality and identity.
In almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities.
Maybe the magnetic effect will damage it somehow.
Not all the effects of the privity doctrine are necessarily damaging to third party purchasers or creditors.
The corrosive effect of the saltwater damaged some equipment, including the metal parts in the sharks.
Pollutants and the effects of the weather have damaged the monuments, but insects also create problems.
Despite record breaking and racing successes, the effects of World War I on sales had damaged their financial position.
Chronic (long-term) effects of copper exposure can damage the liver and kidneys.