The mysterious Englishman, about whom so many eerie tales were told!
The cover article, titled "Webula," is billed as "a strange and eerie tale from beyond the Web."
This is a perfectly eerie tale presented just in time for the Halloween season.
The anthology ends in an eerie evolutionary tale.
I have a most peculiar, exotic, eerie, and generally bizarre tale to tell to your superior.
Years later, bricks again play a role in this eerie and fanciful tale.
Soon the kids were wide-eyed, cheeks sticky with marshmallows, listening to one of their fathers start an eerie tale.
Alter's translation thus suggests a dimension of this eerie tale we would probably have overlooked: that of editorial comment.
A little eerie gothic tale about love, fear and death.
In these eerie tales, the reader is drawn into the emotional maelstroms of the young women protagonists rather than held at a chilly distance.