As the only large-scale institution of its kind, it must by default assume an educational role.
Opinion leaders, including the media, also need to take on a stronger educational role.
"Given the importance of water in everyone's life, that's a really crucial educational role to play."
Then there is the strictly educational role of public television.
The educational role of law in increasing efficiency should not, however, be overlooked.
For the latter, it can fulfill an educational role as well.
They would welcome an increased educational role but considered there must be conceptual, contractual, and financial changes.
"The money will go into an endowment to be used for future acquisitions, conservation and the educational role of the museum in the university."
Football can in fact only continue to play a social and educational role if matches take place without violence.
The second requirement is for public service television to fulfil its educational role, particularly in terms of visual education.