The critics argue that President Johnson got it wrong: that the nation's educational ills are more the result than the cause of its economic problems, investment decisions, violent culture and urban decay.
Under William J. Bennett, the education secretary at the time, the Administration mounted strident attacks on teachers unions and maintained that better curriculums will cure most educational ills.
TWO Scots took the opportunity to analyse Scotland's educational ills this past week.
If national testing is the answer to our educational ills, as President Clinton is suggesting, it's time to scrutinize testing companies - and their methods - more carefully.
S.K.O.'s administrators say they believe that they have found a cure for many educational ills.
Another was operated by representatives of the teachers' union, who were only too pleased to work against Mr. D'Amato, who has blamed their union for some of America's educational ills.
Stop focusing on the surface level of behavior and start curing instead the social, educational and parental ills that feed it.
E. D. Hirsch's diagnosis of our educational ills is quite different.
Memphis is a laboratory for Mr. Bush's contention that the answer to American educational ills lies not with Federal Government programs but with local initiative.
A cure for most of our educational ills is reading.