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The classes go by the title Extra Special After School Activities, sometimes referred to as educational enrichment.
Keith Martin, the school board's lawyer, said the course was approved for educational enrichment.
Oklahoma City, like most other major cities, has a diversity of institutions for learning and educational enrichment.
The Carr Cares Foundation focuses on educational enrichment and physical fitness for youth.
It also engages in the spiritual, educational and social enrichment of the people of Las Pinas.
Other vocational courses are designed to provide training for the work force or for personal educational enrichment.
Increases state grant funds available for before/after school programs, providing tutoring, homework assistance, and educational enrichment.
For much of the 19th and 20th century, treatment methods emphasized fresh air, physical activity, educational enrichment, therapeutic farm and kitchen work, and supportive staff.
Programs of cultural and educational enrichment and community service.
But despite the educational enrichments, The Uncle Al Show continued to hold fast to the values the children came to love from day one.