A leading scientific and educational department focusing on applied informatics.
For this reason, an "educational department" (now known as "Choir 101") was created to avoid any further reduction in quality.
Talented singers then still came into the choir right away, and the others went through the educational department.
After her career as a professional baseball player ended, Batikis went on to get a teaching position, working in the educational department for 35 years.
Well-established publishers with a healthy educational department and a good back list.
As stated earlier, access to programs like this would be much more cost efficient for educational departments.
The town authority and the educational department of the state have contributed in its moderate success.
She wrote two books, and in 1920-22 directed the league's educational department.
The zoo also offers field trips for schools through the zoo's educational department.
The educational department is extending its activities to include projects with local community groups and arts organisations.